What Is Baby Acne on Face?
Do you know baby acne on face? Yes, it is the baby acne which appears on the face of the baby. Talking about baby acne, indeed, it will not be complete when we do not talk about what baby acne is. This condition of baby acne is actually the common problem which is usually faced by the baby. In this condition, there will be acnes that present on the face, neck and back of the baby's skin in which it can appear after few days or more after the birth. If you are a mother and have just had a baby, you do not need worry about this since baby acne actually can be better or cured even without treatment.

Moreover, how the look or the symptoms of baby acne on face? Here is the explanation about this thing. There are some symptoms that you can see when your baby gets this baby acne. To begin with, you will see the red bumps or pimples on your baby's face. Here, the bumps or the pimples can be like the acne on adults in which there is the white part of the acne. Then, surrounding the acnes itself, it will be reddish. You can see all of those symptoms clearly when the baby crying or fussy. In this case, the reddish face skin of the baby will be pronounced clearly. If you are in this situation, you can do some things things toward the baby although the condition of this baby acne can be well without any treatment.
Yes, even though the baby acne on face can be in a good condition without you do any treatment, you need to do some things in order that the condition of baby acne will not be worse. First, you have to be careful in choosing the fabrics that will be worn by the baby. Why? It because the rough fabrics, indeed, will make the condition of the baby acne get worse since it can cause the irritation on baby's face. In the young age of the baby, the skin is still very sensitive. That is why before choosing the fabrics, you need to know well whether the fabrics will be good or not for the baby.
After that, you also can do the treatment in home for your baby acne on face. You are not allowed to squeezing or pinching the baby acne since it can make the condition of the acne will bad. We never know what the effect of pinching or squeezing, and the irritation will be the most thing you must avoid. Besides, to clean the baby's face, is better for you not to use the towel but the washcloth in which it is smoother than the towel. After that, the use of the face cream can be a bad idea for your baby. As having been known that the baby still has a very sensitive skin, and when you apply it on the baby acne on face and the ingredients of the cream maybe not for the sensitive skin, indeed you will face such a new worse problem.
source: http://www.babyacnecure.com/2016/02/what-is-baby-acne-on-face.html
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