Monday, May 30, 2016

Acne Treatment - How to Get Fast Results

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Expert Author Robert Reddin
Acne can be treated by making some simple changes to your diet. That does not mean you can dispense with good personal hygiene. Keeping your skin clean is essential and is part of the holistic treatment of your condition, as is getting adequate sleep and regular exercise. What you eat can either help reduce your acne breakouts or it can inflame them. Here are five dietary tips to get rid of your acne:
# 1. Choose foods that are high in dietary fibre. The dietary fibre makes your digestive system more efficient at eliminating waste and toxins from your body. Good sources of dietary fibre are fruits and vegetables. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals and low in fat. Acne sufferers are often deficient in vitamin A and vitamin E. Nutritionists recommend that you eat five 80 gram portions of different fruits and vegetables each day. One of which should be a green vegetable. Eating fruit and vegetables is a healthy, natural way to ensure you get sufficient amounts of these essential vitamins.
# 2. Avoid foods that are high in fat. Fatty foods can make your digestive system sluggish and also slows down the rate at which glucose in your blood is absorbed. In simple terms, glucose is the fuel from which your body gets its energy. Unused energy is stored as body fat. High fat foods can contribute to your acne in two ways. Firstly by slowing the rate at which waste and toxins are eliminated from your body. Consequently, your body tries to eliminate these through your skin, resulting in a breakout. Secondly, the more fatty tissue you have, the harder your body has to work to convert glucose into energy, leaving less available to maintain your overall health; that too, can contribute to a breakout of spots.
# 3. Reduce the amount of refined sugars and processed foods that you consume. Many processed foods and sweetened carbonated drinks contain a surprisingly large amount of sugar. These foods do not directly cause acne breakouts, but the way in which your body processes them can cause an increase in hormones that is linked to the cause of acne. Preventing excessive of hormonal production is the best cure for your acne.
# 4. Restrict your consumption of dairy products. Surprisingly, it is not the fat content of these products that causes the problem; it is the natural cattle hormones. These hormones are required to help bay cows grow. Milk is not a natural human food. That does not men to say you should not have it on your breakfast cereal or in your tea or coffee, but limit your consumption to that.
# 5. Drink plenty of cold water each day. About two litres a day will keep your body properly hydrated. It will also help flush waste and toxins out of your body through your kidneys, not your skin. Drinking plenty of water will also improve the texture of your skin.
Following these five simple tips will give you fast results in treating your acne.
You can learn how to get rid of your acne permanently by Clicking Here! []. []

Want to Know How to Get Rid of a Pimple Fast?

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How to Get Rid of a Pimple Fast: The Power of Home Remedies
How to get rid of a pimple fast could be the most pacifying thing to ever hear if overnight treatment fails. Unlike overnight cure and medications which are expected to work the day after, the first one is more promising and hopeful as this does not necessarily require a 24-hour turn around but rather an enough amount of time to show positive results.
Pimple could be the most insecure thing that could happen to anyone and could ironically grow in places where you don't want it to be. Like a season, everyone passes through this stage unwillingly. Some manage to deal with it like nothing happened while the rest unfortunately leaves scars and dark spots everywhere.
Acne can be considered a normal thing to any growing teenager. Although, this can just be let alone until it dries off and heal itself, still others, in their dismay, requires answers on how to get rid of a pimple fast.
How to Get Rid of a Pimple Fast: Home Remedies and Their Benefits
Herbal remedies remain as the top natural treatment that brings aid to damaged skin regardless how severe they may become. It knows no excuse when it comes to providing healing process, not even the existence of a huge swelling red pimple can negate this truth.
Aloe Vera extracts and Tea Tree Oil will help reduce skin inflammation and reduce visible scars. These two herbal remedies will make your skin blemish-free when applied appropriately to the affected areas of your skin. Chamomile tea also works great on how to get rid of a pimple fast. Use cotton ball to swipe all over your face. This can be done twice a day and can be repeated when desired to better get the results needed.
Green Healing Clay when mixed with water can be applied on the skin where acne is suspected to occur. Green clay has healing essentials that help exfoliates skin thereby decreasing the chance of dead skin cells formation.
Adapting a healthy proper diet is a major way on how to get rid of a pimple fast. Choosing the right type of food is important as some food has contents that can trigger acne formation on your face. Avoid foods that are high in carbohydrates. Food rich in vitamin C will normally bring healthy glowing skin. In addition to, Vitamin A, Niacin and Zinc can boost up skin rejuvenation.
Oatmeal is best eaten but its effect on how to get rid of a pimple fast when mixed with honey can be used as a mudpack. You can let it on your face for 20 minutes before rinsing off. Oatmeal and honey are both known for their beneficial contribution when it comes to improving skin condition of all types.
Water therapy is a great source for keeping properly-hydrated skin. Regular water intake helps normalise skin as it flushes out harmful toxins and bacteria that we do not need in our body. Lemon can be rubbed on your face before bed time as it rubs bacteria off of our face too. It has natural properties which will improve acne condition and the entire skin. You can opt to do this for a week and the results will be amazing.
Like other remedies, Sea salt has been distinguished for its numerous benefits when it comes to healthy skin regimen. Get rid of pimples by mixing it with warm water until it appears like a paste. This will dry off when applied on the face overnight and can be removed after. The hardened sea salt will shred off bacteria and dead skin.
How to get rid of a pimple fast using witch hazel?
Witch hazel works as an astringent which is a product of witch hazel shrub. You can mix this with boiled water added with salt that will steam your face. Steaming gives your face a temperature that will soothe acnes while the witch hazel enhances the remedy. Sunshine can be the most natural way of getting rid of pimples as it dries up the acne. Acne-medicate soap like Glycerine soap helps in moisturizing the skin. Glycerine has contents that will make itching and irritation disappears.
Garlic can smell really disgusting but did you know that this helps too on how to get rid of a pimple fast? Yes, you read it right. Garlic has beneficial contribution to our skin by serving as antioxidant thereby reducing acne appearances and adds glow to the skin. Garlic can be taken with warm water every morning or you can also directly apply it on the affected area.
Far from moisturizing lotions, cabbage lotion can be applied together with witch hazel. The cabbage part will detoxify system which can sometimes cause acne break out. Honey and egg yolk can be put on the face for 20 minutes. This process can be done repetitively until it greatly improves your acne-infected skin. Grab toner rich in Vitamin C to keep pimples at bay. Toner is best regarded for its work to shred off dead skin cells and encouraging development of new healthy cells.
Your make up brushes are best in spreading color to your face and can sometimes be best too in brushing in bacteria inside the pores. Avoid acne break out by maintaining clean brushes. Take Multivitamins to regulate healthy inner system. More often than we know, acne and other skin condition are caused by irregularities happening inside our body. Multivitamins will help fight toxins that are excreted out of our system by ensuring that we get all the nutrition that we need.
Carrots will make an effective remedy on how to get rid of a pimple fast. Carrots are actually rich in beta-carotene which can help strengthen skin tissue and reducing acne by limiting sebum production. Strawberry face mark and wetted strawberry leaves can be applied on infected area. This home remedy works as your body's antioxidants and also fights skin-aging. As it digs through the skin, it relaxes cells and clogged pores which in effect improve acne appearance.
Avoid clothes that are too tight as it traps oil into our body. Pimples, as studied, are a result of excessive oils that get clogged in our pores. Seek to wear comfortable clothes which will allow the skin to breathe.
And lastly for stubborn pimples, cornstarch mixed with vinegar and water can be rubbed off your face. The combination of these has natural remedies that are efficient in cleaning your face. Cornstarch will be hardened for 15 minutes to half hour. Once washed off, you will see how it de-clogs and clean your pores while drawing out bacteria.
Pimple breakout is stressful and it does not call out for a more stressful treatment process. It needs not to be expensive as well. Most of the time, we do not realize that the cure we are all looking for is right within our reach waiting to be discovered. Acnes can all be stubborn and you must know how to properly deal with them even if they happen on the most important day of your life.
Just like how you apply these treatments, you must also learn to apply discipline and persistence to get the best result on how to get rid of a pimple fast.
Find more great information on the many ways of how to get rid of a pimple fast []. Nobody likes pimples, so lets all learn how to get rid of a pimple fast using these tested methods. New treatments, old remedies and everything in between.

Does Green Tea Help Acne?

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Acne can not only cause itchy, painful skin, but it can also be unsightly, leaving scars that can take years to heal up. Natural home remedies are a safe means of clearing up problematic welts, without having to take harmful prescription medication. The sooner you start to clear up your acne, the sooner you'll look great for that special occasion. It is possible to learn how to cure acne with green tea.
While switching to drinking green tea can be beneficial to your body, you'll actually be recycling your old green tea bags for this remedy. You'll be using an easy method to solve your acne problems.
After you've finished using your green tea bag, cut it open with scissors and empty the contents into a small glass or cup. You'll need a way to apply the tea leaves to your face. The best way is to make a paste of it.
Honey is another beneficial way of helping your skin to heal quickly. Add the smallest amount of honey you can to make a mixture with your tea leaves. Mix it to a consistency that will make it easy to apply to your face.
You'll want to wash your face first before applying your green tea for acne mixture. Ensure that no cosmetics or lotions remain on your face. Use a vegetable oil based soap, as most of the common store brands of soap are made from animal lard, and the bacteria that cause acne love it.
Next, apply your green tea mixture. Let it sit for about ten minutes. This is the perfect time to relax in the tub, or read a book. At the end of this time, pat dry. If your acne is bad, you may wish to do the treatments at least three times a day.
Another method of using green tea for clear skin is to use the tea directly from your cup. Ensure that it's not too hot before using it to wash your face. Use cool water to rinse off after.
If you're at work or somewhere it is difficult to wash your face, you can place a tea page in a plastic zip lock bag and toss in your purse or pocket. In the washroom rinse the teabag under hot water, and use that to give your face a quick wipe down. You may wish to reuse your tea bag. Just squeeze out the water and put it back in the bag and you can reuse it again. Discard at the end of the day.
Green tea contains antioxidants that neutralize free radicals, which can cause cancer and disease in the body. It's beneficial at helping to not only heal up acne, but to control the bacteria that cause acne.
Once your skin starts to clear up you'll be able to decrease your skin care regimen, but you should continue using your green tea treatments for acne at least every three days.
With a small amount of effort, your acne-prone skin should start clearing up. Soon you'll feel happy and confident that you're presenting your best face to the world.
Rabi Rew is a microbiologist by profession. He however majors in finding solutions to skin related diseases using home made remedies.His research tips has helped many people to get a glowing skin. Visit home remedies for glowing skin for more home remedies you can apply at home.

Say Goodbye to Your Acne

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Many people suffer from acne today however do not really know how to get rid of it. Thus this article serves the purpose of informing you and pointing out some helpful treatments that will help vanish your acne problem. There are two different types of treatment you can take depending on how severe the acne is, these are topical treatments which are put onto the skin and the second is oral remedies that should be taken in by your mouth.
It is wise to understand the seriousness of your acne maybe by visiting your doctor or asking expert advice so you know exactly how to treat it. Here is a guide to help you pinpoint which stage you are at:
Least serious: acne cleansers or OTC remedies
Mildly serious: acne cleansers, OTC remedies, Topical benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics
Moderately serious: Topical retinoids, Oral antibiotics and even try some hormonal tablets
Extremely serious: Oral retinoids
Home and chemist purchased treatments do not need a prescription from your doctor and so this can be any cleansing products or generally looking after the acne by avoiding severely scratching to cause scarring.
If you want to go with oral antibiotics these will need to be prescribed by your doctor
And the treatment may last for several of months till it has cleared or can either be used whenever the acne is inflamed or irritates you.
There are also several herbal treatments you can try such as tea tree oil which is an potently powerful herb based oil which is known for its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. However due to the powerfulness of this herb, you may need to go easy on the doses so that your skin does not suffer adverse reactions as many with acne also have very sensitive skin.
You can try olive leave extract which is again known to contain effective and fast acting antibacterial properties. Having two cups of green tea daily is a major help to your inner and outer systems as it flushes through all the rubbish in your body and replaces it with bioflavanoids and antioxidants which are great for clearing up spots.
Burdock has been known in the past to cure a lot of skin troubles and maybe it will do the trick for you! It has effective cleansing power and its root is a very good source of its nutrients. The plant also comes in forms of tea or fizzy drinks however tea is more effective in solving acne problems.
Alternatively if you are still having troubles, you can always try acupuncture treatments as many reports have been recorded that it actually can help with acne but this is still unconfirmed so needs to be clarified.
Also do not expect acne treatments to work in a flash as sometimes it can take up to 2-6 months for the effects to become visible. If it however doesn't improve you should book an appointment with your doctor and see what tips they have for you.
Hopefully if you carry on eating healthily and treat your skin well with these medical treatments you can say goodbye to your acne in no time!
Another Good Skin System Is The Clearpores System [] and Visit Best Acne Products [], To Find Out More About Clearpores.

Can Fasting Clear Acne?

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When you think of fasting, the first thing that comes to your mind is weight loss. Perhaps, you've heard of crash diets that compel you to avoid complete food groups and sizzling exercise routines. And hunger pangs that force your stomach to growl at you! Have you heard that fasting can also cure acne? In fact, it is considered an effective natural acne treatment. Let's see how it works.
Fasting refers to abstinence from solid food for a set number of days. During that stipulated period, your food will include fruits and fluids, i.e. water and juices. You may go on a water fast, juice fast or fruit fast depending on your fasting needs, but make sure that you consult a health care expert for advice and guidance. If fasting seems intimidating, you can simply eliminate certain foods and follow a restricted diet for a short period. This can help you gradually eliminate addictive foods, processed foods etc. that are bad for your skin health. When it comes to fasting, water intake is of paramount importance, regardless of the kind of fast you choose.
Well, how does fasting work towards acne removal? Detoxification. The prime purpose of fasting is to eliminate toxins from your body. Fasting provides the much-needed rest for your digestive system. Instead of spending energy for digestion, your body starts focusing on detoxifying and boosting the functionality of your immune system. As a result, there is better waste elimination through your gastro-intestinal tract and urinary tract, so that your skin is not burdened with the task of expelling toxins. In other words, your body perfects the detoxification process through the liver and kidney rather than using the skin. This in turn prevents and treats acne because healthy skin secretions allow for clearer pores and minimal inflammation. Clearade acne treatment methods describe how acne vitamins contribute to acne removal through better metabolism of skin oil.
Fasting has other benefits as well. It helps you identify foods that you are sensitive to. This is because you clear your body of different types of foods during a fast, particularly water fast. Then, you can re-introduce each food in a systematic manner and observe their effect on your skin and body. It is the best method to identify the foods that worsen your acne and avoid them. Isn't it wonderful to start afresh on a dietary habit that is nutritious and well-balanced? Fasting is definitely not a magic potion, but it can help you optimize wellness and gain a healthy and natural clear skin.
During your fast, drink water in frequent intervals and include buttermilk, fruit juices and vegetable juices. The health benefits of vegetables and fruits can also aid your detoxification process. For instance, spinach has excellent detox properties; carrot juice can provide the much needed carotene that imparts a healthy complexion. Herbal tea is known to prevent hunger pangs. You may also include a variety of vegetable soups as they can help you feel energetic. Lettuce leaves, cabbage, celery, spinach, carrots, green peas, avocados and tomatoes are a few nutritious vegetables for healthy soup recipes.
Though fasting makes way for natural acne cure, it doesn't mean that you go without food indefinitely till your acne disappears! What it means that you switch to a liquid diet for a stipulated period to set off a detoxification process.
MIJ Sadique is specializing in skin issues and has made several studies about acne and acne remedies. He has more resources about scientifically proven acne vitamins [], as well as pantothenic acid acne [] treatment.